It was a beautiful weekend in central Ohio. Saturday was our Spring Work Day. With the help of our church volunteers we were able to complete a big outside project that we were not able to get to during the winter. They added 76 cubic yards of mulch to our playground. It was hard work but they got it done in 3 ½ hours. Thank you to all who came out and made our Spring Work Day a success.
As always our Praise Team led us in worship to our precious Savior. As we praised Him we were reminded that He is our deliverer and He will reign forever. Nate and Michele Sexton sang the hymn “Take My Life” during the offertory.
Sunday was the third week in the current sermon series entitled, “Restored”. Our text was from Revelation 6:9-17 and 20:11-15. Pastor Matt continued from last week preaching on restoration through God’s judgement. The point of yesterday’s message was God will restore by dealing with the problem of sin, and when He is finished, sin will finally be completely destroyed. As Pastor preached about what will happen during God’s coming judgement we were emboldened, with a sense of urgency, to take the message of the Gospel to the lost around us. If you didn’t have an opportunity to hear his powerful message yesterday morning please take the time to listen to it in its entirety on Calvary’s website.
Announcements from the bulletin…
Core Classes…
Sunday school classes are available for children from nursery through 6th grade. Core classes are for 7th grade students through adults. Below is a list of classes and classrooms in which they are held.
Desperate Prayer - Room 102
Explaining Christianity - Room 103 (Fellowship Hall)
New Testament Survey 2 - Room 201
Seasoned Saints Lunch…
Join us this Tuesday, April 19 at 11:30am for food, fun and fellowship. We will meet at Villa Nova Ristorante, 5545 N. High Street (Worthington). Be sure to invite someone who wasn’t able to attend last month.
Not Forgotten…
Signup sheets for the April 22 meal are out in the foyer today. Please stop by the Not Forgotten table to see where you may be a blessing to someone in need.
Amplify Video Scavenger Hunt…
Teens, we are going on a scavenger hunt around Westerville this Friday, April 22 at 6:00pm. We will start the church, taking photos and videos based on clues as you travel around the city. Once completed, we’ll return to watch the videos everyone has collected. Parents, please pick your students up from the church at 10:00pm. The cost is $5.00 per person for food and drinks. See Nate for more information.
Baby Dedication…
During our morning worship service on Sunday, May 8 we will be having a baby dedication. If you wish to dedicate your baby or child please contact the church office by Wednesday, May 4.
Ladies Luncheon…
Ladies, you are invited to a luncheon on Saturday, May 7 at 12:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Join us for food, fellowship and an encouraging message from our guest speaker, Lori Elmore from Lima Baptist Temple. The cost is $12.00 per person. Please see Rebecca Keller to purchase tickets.