20121007-DSC_0378Children are important to God and they are the future of Calvary Bible Baptist Church. We do not take children’s ministries lightly. We remember that our Lord admonished Peter to “feed my lambs” not babysit them! For this reason we make sure solid Biblical teaching is the hub of our children’s ministries and life change is the ultimate goal. All of our children’s workers have a heart and passion for reaching kids and they all must pass a national criminal background check before being permitted to work with any kids. When you come to Calvary we want you to relax and enjoy the teaching knowing that your child is being lovingly cared for. CBBC’s children’s ministries include…

Sunday School

This graded program meets every Sunday morning at 11:00 am. Through Sunday school your child will experience solid Bible teaching, exciting music, great friends and a lot of fun. Our Sunday school curriculum takes each child through the entire Bible every three years! We are confident that our Bible focus will enable your child to build their life on a solid foundation and will enable them to enjoy the abundant life found only in Christ.

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Calvary offers a worship service just for children ages 4 through 3rd grade at 10:00am! The teaching in Children’s church actually builds on what your child learns in Sunday school and serves to reinforce the truths they’ve been exposed to. Real church also features great music, exciting games and the opportunity to begin to serve through many various ministries. We believe your child will love our Children’s church!